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DINNER IDEAS | Shrimp & Steak Fajitas with Old El Paso

Last Friday, I had my sister over for a girls night in. Basically, the perfect excuse to eat copious amounts of food and binge watch chick flicks. We had the movies down, but deciding on what to cook for ourselves was a challenge. I had an Old El Paso kit in the pantry, so we agreed on a #TacoNight! 

Tacos, fajitas and nachos are one of my favourite things to eat when dining out. However, they’re also awesome, simple dishes to create at home when having guests over for dinner.  All you need to do is prep and cook the ingredients – like veggies and steak, and combine with an Old El Paso fajita kit!

What we prepared for our girls night in fajitas:

Steak with mushrooms 

Shrimp, using the  Old El Paso seasoning inside the kit

Green peppers & red onions

Guacamole with tomatoes & red onions

Corn salsa

Tomato salsa

What is your favourite taco/fajita topping?

Recipe for the steak:
1. Slice the steak into thin pieces and place into a bowl
2. Add olive oil, lemon juice, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, salt and black pepper
3. Set aside for 15-20 minutes
4. Slice mushrooms and set aside
5. On medium to high heat, cook t he meat on the stove; when the meat browns, add the mushrooms

Recipe for the Shrimp:
1. In a bowl, defrost the shrimp under cold running water, dry off with paper towel and set aside
2. Heat cooking oil in a pan until hot and add shrimp
3. Once the shrimp is cooked, add the Old El Paso Spice Mix

Recipe for the Corn Salsa: 
Mix together corn, chopped tomatoes and chopped red onions with salt and pepper to taste

Recipe for the Guacamole:
Mix together avocado, chopped tomatoes and chopped red onions with salt and pepper to taste

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