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Zucchini Bread – how to bake the perfect loaf

I didn’t get a lot of chances to bake while I was in Korea so I was pretty excited to use my kitchen and starting baking again! I love baking breads, its easy and usually turns out unlike all my cookie disasters! Monica mentioned zucchini bread so I thought I would make a batch and see how it turned out! I looked for recipes online and found one that was pretty popular on (amazing website for all sorts of different recipes!)

With any recipe I find online, I try to tweak it a bit and make it a bit healthier and customize it to my own taste buds. This recipe was no different and I’ll include the changes I’ve made.

Here is the original recipe:

Here are the changes I’ve made to the ingredients:

  • A little baking trick for making anything a healthier alternative (I’d rather eat slightly healthier than tough it out at the gym for an extra hour), you can use applesauce to substitute a lot of things. For oil, you can substitute one to one so for this recipe I used 1 cup of apple sauce instead of oil.
  • Recipe asked for 3 cups of white flour and I used 1 cup of whole wheat flour instead
  • I find recipes tend to be oversweet so I always decrease the sugar amount and for recipe I did 1 and a half cup of sugar
  • If you don’t like walnuts you can always substitute it with chocolate chips but remember if you’re using chocolate chips, decrease the sugar because the chips itself are already sweet!

Here is the grated zucchini….make sure not to drain the water because the bread will need the moisture!

Here is the batter before the zucchini and walnut goes in.

In the bread tins they go! I personally love chocolate chips so I just tossed them on the top before baking! Be careful and watch the oven cause everyone is different, some might take longer. The recipe said 40-60 minutes but mine took 60 minutes!

Here is the finished product!! I like to heat mine up a bit either in the microwave or in the oven if I’m eating it the next day.

For a quick change, you can use the batter and pour into muffin tins instead to bake some muffins!

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