You are currently viewing LAUNCH | Yogurty’s two new fall flavours, Yogurty’s food truck, Froyo2Go & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Partnership

LAUNCH | Yogurty’s two new fall flavours, Yogurty’s food truck, Froyo2Go & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Partnership

Frozen yogurt lovers, unite! Yesterday, the Liberty Village Yogurty’s had a Fall launch event to introduce many exciting things that are coming our way!  They were also celebrating their 3 year partnership with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (wow!)  with the launch of a delicious new flavour with 10% of proceeds being donated to the organization.

Of course, the first thing I do when I get there is head for the new flavours: Pumpkinstein and Strawberry Cheesecake. 

Pumpkinstein was created for the upcoming Halloween season. 
This flavour will definitely be one of the most popular this season!

The Strawberry Cheesecake flavour was created specially to support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  10% of all proceed will go to the organization. Make sure you tweet them a picture of your very own froyo with the hashtag #ISupportHealthyCups!

Fellow foodie Cherry (@YYZgourmand) – we had a blast stacking our froyo’s with all the toppings!

My Strawberry Cheesecake froyo with strawberries, cheesecake bites, almond shavings and mochi rice cake (my fave)!

Pumpkinstein froyo with mini peanut butter cups, gummy bears, mochi ricecake bites, nerd pieces, lychee pops.

A short but sweet speech by Karen, VP Chief Marketing Officer & the Yogurty’s Froyo Mixologist, Carlos!  It was interesting to hear about all the exciting launches coming up!  Such as…

– 2 new flavours that I previously mentioned:

– Froyo-mobile:
Their very food truck, that’s been around the City since CNE’s food truck frenzy but now they’ll be servicing many more food events and private parties.  It’ll be such a hit for the holiday work parties coming up!  I personally would love to have them come to Etobicoke ha ha.

– Froyo2Go Catering Program:
 Basically now, we can have our froyo and all the toppings we want, wherever we want! I’m thinking I need to get them for my birthday party or a holiday party!  Maybe I can convince my boss to order these to the office.

CLICK HERE to find out moreabout the Froyo2Go program.

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